
Studying “Early childhood education research” (M.A.) at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam and University of Potsdam

13 August2024 

The application period for the Master’s degree programme in Early Childhood Education Research (MAFB): 15/06/2024 – 15/10/2024

Brandenburg’s education plan comes into force

2 August 2024 

With the publication of the new education plan “The extended principles of elementary education” by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MBJS), Brandenburg is sending a strong signal in favour of child-oriented and scientifically based early childhood education. The education plan was developed under the scientific direction of Prof. Dr Frauke Hildebrandt, professor at the Department of Social and Educational Sciences at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences, and finalised after an intensive consultation process with daycare stakeholders in Brandenburg.

Further information on the new education plan for Brandenburg can be found at: Kita-Bildungsplan | Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport (MBJS) – Fachportal (

You can find the complete education plan here: Bildungsplan – Erweiterte Grundsätze elementarer Bildung in Einrichtungen der Kindertagesbetreuung im Land Brandenburg.

Recording of the PINA colloquium with Prof. Dr Martin Fischer until 4 July 2024

The recording of the lecture “On the Embodied Nature of Knowledge: From Neurons to Numbers” by Martin Fischer can be downloaded until 4 July 2024 at; password: DgZKo4P2z3FXWNd.

Participate in the study: “Social Gestures” – The importance of tact gestures for social preference and learning in infancy and early childhood in France and Germany

This study is currently being carried out in our working group for the DFG research project SocialGestures. We are currently looking for children between the ages of 4 and 6. The child does not have to speak German as a native language, but should be able to understand German. The study takes about 30 minutes for the child, including breaks, and takes place in the PINA laboratory. Afterwards there is a small gift as a thank you.

We are also looking for adults as participants (native German speakers between the ages of 18 and 30; teachers, educators, actors, people with dyspraxia and dyslexia are excluded).

If you are interested, please contact Stephan Engler via, who will then send you the study information and arrange individual appointments. We would be very grateful for your support!

Dates PINA colloquia 2024/25

25 March 2024 

The PINA team cordially invites you to its lecture series 2024/25. The colloquia will take place online via Zoom from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (CET). If you are interested, please ask our project coordinator, Melanie Meisel, via the email-adress pina(at) for the access link.

Language Acquisition in Infancy in Non-Western Cultures: Findings from Experimental Field Research in Sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia
Natalie Boll-Avetisyan (Universität Potsdam)

Speakers in Interaction: Effortful Speaking and Listening in Background Noise across the Lifespan
Outi Tuomainen (Universität Potsdam)

On the Embodied Nature of Knowledge: From Neurons to Numbers
Martin Fischer (Universität Potsdam)

Erweiterte Grundsätze elementarer Bildung in Brandenburg
Frauke Hildebrandt (Fachhochschule Potsdam), Jan Lonnemann (Universität Potsdam), Bianka Pergande (Deutsche Liga für das Kind e.V.)

23.10.2024 Attention: 10.00 – 11.30 am (CET)
Evolution and Learning of Spatial Language in Robot Language Games
Michael Spranger (COO of Sony AI Inc., Tokyo, Japan)

Re-imagining Education: Delivering High Quality Education through Active Playful Learning 
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek (Temple University, USA)

The Development of Unterstanding Self and Other
Dora Kampis (University of Copenhagen, Denmark)

The Metacognitive Origins of Forgiveness
Lisa Son (Columbia University, USA)

Publication EDIT-Team and wamiki: Training series in Prezi-format
Save the Date: Scientific conference “Ensuring children’s rights in daycare centers” on 19.10.2023

10 July 2023

Scientific conference on 19.10.2023 at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam in cooperation with the Institute for Further Education, Research and Development (IFFE e.V.) and the German League for the Child

Today, more and more young children spend a lot of time in day care centers: The proportion of two-year-olds has doubled in the last 15 years, and the proportion of one-year-olds has even tripled. Children do not have to meet any linguistic, cognitive, or other prerequisites for their rights to promotion, participation, and protection to be guaranteed in day care. It is the responsibility of pedagogical actors to respect children’s rights, to adapt to children’s developmental needs and to ensure their well-being.

At the conference, findings from empirical research on the design of everyday situations in daycare centers will be compiled. In the light of children’s rights, pedagogical action will be analyzed and discussed in the context of findings on attachment and relationship: What is imperative to design everyday situations in a child-friendly way? In which situations and under which conditions do impairments of the child’s well-being occur? How can they be avoided in daycare centers and how can daycare centers be supported in this?
We cordially invite you to discuss these important questions.

Among the participating scientists are Prof. Dr. Lieselotte Ahnert, Prof. Dr. Fabienne Becker-Stoll, Prof. Dr. Astrid Boll, Prof. Dr. Dorothee Gutknecht, Prof. Dr. Frauke Hildebrandt, Prof. Dr. Karsten Krauskopf, Prof. Dr. Jörg Maywald, Prof. Dr. Iris Nentwig-Gesemann, Bianka Pergande, Prof. Dr. Regina Remsperger-Kehm, Prof. Dr. Susanne Viernickel, Prof. Dr. Catherine Walter-Laager, Prof. Dr. Dörte Weltzien.

Please register via our registration form on the homepage:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via our e-mail:


Publication on the symposium “10 Years of Researchers’ World Blossin”: Thinking with Children – Designing Stimulating Interactions

30 January 2023

On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the “Forscherwelt Blossin”, a place in the state of Brandenburg where practice, teaching and research are combined in an exemplary way, a symposium on the topic “Thinking with children – designing stimulating interactions” took place at the end of September 2022. Prof. Dr. Kristina Musholt and Prof. Dr. Gerd Schäfer gave introductory lectures and then participated in a discussion round chaired by Prof. Dr. Frauke Hildebrandt. The transcript of the lectures and the discussion can be found here.

PINA supports the call “Day care centres must protect children’s rights!”

22 December 2022

In recent days, several reports on the subject of misconduct and violence in day-care centres have been in the media. Daycare centres are good for children if the daycare centres are good. Unfortunately, however, borderline violations are also part of children’s everyday daycare life. We stand in solidarity with the children. We feel obliged to seize the moment of public attention. We stand up for the protection of children’s rights. At the same time, it is our concern to strengthen daycare centres and educational professionals.

To read the full appeal, download the PDF here.

On openPetition you can sign the call and forward it to friends.

Current reporting includes the following links:

  1. BR24 article 14/12/2022: Gewalt in Kitas: Zahl der Meldungen steigt stark an | BR24
  2. article 14/12/2022: Umfrage bei Aufsichtsbehörden: Mehr Verdachtsfälle auf Gewalt in Kitas |
  3. Spiegel‑online article vom 14/12/20222: Verdacht auf Gewalt in Kitas: Alleingelassen, bloßgestellt, zum Essen gezwungen – DER SPIEGEL
  4. Drawn video on social media:
  5. BR24 article 15/12/2022: Nach Kita-Recherchen: Emotionale Debatte im bayerischen Landtag | BR24
  6. Interview Spiegel Online 20/12/2022: Probleme in Kitas: »Gewaltfreie Erziehung ist ein unerreichbares Ideal«, sagt Forscher Jörg Maywald – DER SPIEGEL
  7. BR article 20/12/2022: Nach Kita-Recherchen: Bundesweiter Appell für Kinderschutz | BR24
  8. Welt article 22/01/2023 Gewalt in Kitas: Wenn Erzieher die Rechte der Kinder verletzen – WELT
  9. Report on violence in day care centers WDR broadcast “Markt” 25/01/2023 Markt vom 25.01.2023 WDR
  10. Report on child welfare in daycare centers and interview with Katrin Macha in the RBB evening program Brandenburg Aktuell Kindeswohl in Kitas – Jugendministerin Ernst verspricht Verbesserung | rbb (
  11. Article on child welfare risks in daycare centers and nurseries “Man muss sich klar machen, dass es einem selbst auch passieren kann” | rbb24