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23.10.2024 – Colloquium with Michael Spranger

PINA > Events > PINA-Colloquia > 23.10.2024 – Colloquium with Michael Spranger

23.10.2024 – Colloquium with Michael Spranger

Location: ZOOM

Time: 10:00am – 11.30am (CET)

Michael Spranger (COO of Sony AI Inc., Sony Group, Tokyo)

Evolution and Learning of Spatial Language in Robot Language Games

The talk will introduce a research program that investigated the evolution of spatial language using real robots. The experiments show how populations of robots can evolve a language system including conceptual, lexical and grammatical distinction to talk about spatial configurations of objects. The robots start without a communication system and then converge on various spatial language systems depending on the task and the environment. This is work done in the 2000s and early 2010s as part of a larger program that investigated a number of areas of language including color, temporal language as well as demonstratives. The talk will give an overview of different research results and also provide some perspective given recent advances in AI.

Please request the zoom link from: pina(at)fh-potsdam.de


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