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15.01.2025 – Colloquium with Lisa Son

PINA > Events > PINA-Colloquia > 15.01.2025 – Colloquium with Lisa Son

15.01.2025 – Colloquium with Lisa Son

Location: Presence at the FH Potsdam (Kiepenheuerallee 5, 16649 Potsdam), main building in the theater room (HG 124) & hybrid via Zoom

Time: 6:00pm – 7:30pm

Lisa Son (Department of Cognitive Science, Barnard College Columbia University, USA)

The Metacognitive Origins of Forgiveness

Metacognition is understood as a skill in which we know that we do not know. If we believe this, it is logical that metacognition would be related to knowing that others might not know. Unfortunately, just as our metacognitive assessments about our own lack of knowledge are flawed, our assessments of another’s lack of knowledge can only be especially flawed. It’s not surprising, then, that we have trouble overcoming the offenses of others, spiraling into misunderstandings, misgivings, and mistrust — at times for the long term. The goal of this talk is to consider the obstacles to forgiveness, and to do so, I will focus on a study of emotion perception comparing two different cultures. Beginning with some data illustrating our biases and our masks, I hope to spark a larger discussion on cultural awareness and the often-ignored barriers to metacognition.

Please request the zoom link to join online from: pina(at)fh-potsdam.de


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