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21.04.2023 – Colloquium with Petra Wagner

PINA > Events > PINA-Colloquia > 21.04.2023 – Colloquium with Petra Wagner

21.04.2023 – Colloquium with Petra Wagner

Location ZOOM
Time: 18:00 – 19:30 Uhr

Petra Wagner (Fachstelle Kinderwelten Vorurteilsbewusste Bildung Erziehung Institut für den Situationsansatz/INA gGmbH)

Not a question of attitude: Diversity-oriented and discrimination-critical quality development in daycare centers.

Children and their families are affected by discrimination and exclusion in many different ways, also in educational institutions. In order to deal adequately with diversity and to protect children from discrimination, it is often said that it depends on the attitude of the professionals.

However, sustainable quality improvements are linked to concrete changes, which must be supported by the entire organization and which will not succeed without investments in the structures. In the lecture, the pedagogical practice with the approach of Prejudice Aware Education© will be used as an example to explain what characterizes a diversity-oriented and discrimination-critical quality development in daycare centers, how it can be designed and what is required for it.

Since 2000, Petra Wagner has been the head of Fachstelle Kinderwelten für Vorurteilsbewusste Bildung und Erziehung im Institut für den Situationsansatz/INA Berlin gGmbH. She is currently leading the project „Demokratiebildung im Kindesalter“ (2020-2024) within the framework of the BMFSFJ federal program “Demokratie leben!”. She is the author of numerous publications.

Please request the zoom link from nadin.klueber(at)fh-potsdam.de


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