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Cancelled – 26.10.2022, Collquium with Iris Nentwig-Gesemann

PINA > Events > PINA-Colloquia > Cancelled – 26.10.2022, Collquium with Iris Nentwig-Gesemann

Cancelled – 26.10.2022, Collquium with Iris Nentwig-Gesemann

*** Unfortunately, we have to cancel Nentwig-Gesemann’s colloquium. We will try to find an alternative date next year (current state: 02.09.2022)***

Location: ZOOM

Time: 18:00–19:30


Nentwig-Gesemann, PhD (Freie Universität Bozen)


Research with children – challenges and potentials


Please ask for the ZOOM link at: nadin.klueber(at)fh-potsdam.de


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