The PINA team cordially invites you to its 2022/23 lecture series. The colloquia take place online via Zoom from 18.00 – 19.30. If you are interested, please ask our project coordinator nadin.klueber(at) for the access link.
BiKA – Participation of Children in Day Care Centres: The Child Right Participation as an Entitlement and in Reality
Speaker: Bianka Pergande (Managing Director Deutsche Liga für das Kind)
Stress and stress reduction in early childhood
Speaker: Lieselotte Ahnert (Free University of Berlin & University of Vienna)
Research with children – challenges and potentials
Speaker: Iris Nentwig-Gesemann (Free University Bozen)
Framework for staffing in child day care facilities
Speaker: Detlef Diskowski (Former Head of Department Child Day Care in Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Brandenburg)
Cultural evolutionary pragmatics: Investigating the co-evolution of language and social cognition
Speaker: Paula Rubio Fernandez (University of Oslo, Department of Philosophy)
On metaphor and gestures
Speaker: Alan Cienki (Vrije University Amsterdam, Faculty of Humities, Language)