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15.06.2022, Colloquium with Lieselotte Ahnert

PINA > Events > PINA-Colloquia > 15.06.2022, Colloquium with Lieselotte Ahnert
Foto: PINA Konferenz, FHP 2018

15.06.2022, Colloquium with Lieselotte Ahnert

Location: ZOOM
Time: 18:00–19:30


Lieselotte Ahnert, PhD (Freie Universität Berlin & Universität Wien)


Stress and stress reduction in early childhood

In the last two decades, stress research has led to reliable findings, also for young children, especially due to the advantages of non-invasive methods of saliva analysis. Stress can also arise in young children in situations that seem so challenging that they cannot (yet) be managed with their own resources. The lecture focuses on situations of frustration and separation that typically trigger stress in early childhood. Against the background of international stress research, we will also use our own studies to show how a caring environment helps to optimally develop the child’s stress system instead of overburdening it.

Please ask for the ZOOM link at: nadin.klueber(at)fh-potsdam.de


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